Work Zone Safety
Now is the time of year when lots of drivers become easily aggravated by all the work zones between them and their destination, but let's remember construction work zones are a necessary travel compliance if we would like safe roadways to travel upon. Over 720 accidents and over 650 fatalities occur annually in construction zones with nearly 78% of those fatalities occurring from faults other than those of the construction workers . Why? Well think about these questions and how many of them are true of you... How often have you ignored construction zone cautions signs? How often do you drive over the speed limit in a construction zone? How often do you find yourself tailgating in a construction zone? How often do you text or check social media in a construction zone? And rest assured you're not the only one who participates in the previous listed dangers. No only are you putting yourself in danger when you ignore the signs, speed, tailgate or text, but you are also jeopardizing the lives of the construction workers. This season we would greatly appreciate your participation in staying alert for warning signs and hi-vis, safety on the road ensures construction workers return home safely each night!