The Guessing Game
Here at Spectrum Electrical Services, Inc. we're going to play the guessing game, allowing our employees and any followers to guess who an indivdual employee is, based on some fun facts they're told us about themselves. You will have four answers to choose from, and anyone commenting will be placed in the drawing to win the stated prize. To compete, be sure you're following our Spectrum Instagram and Facebook pages where the contest will be taking place!
Being the oldest of six children, and spending most of his childhood with his grandparents in Dimock, PA, this employee was in a graduating class at Elk Lake Highschool in the late 1990's. One of his favorite childhood memories was his trip to England where he was young with no stress, which is why he looks forward to owning his own business one day, thinking that'll mean freedom, or maybe he should take up his interest in traveling to Japan - not sure which would be more freeing! If his life was a published novel, the title would be Ingenious; in which you would find an individual looking and acting like Jim Hawkins having dinner with Nikola Tesla. This individual is claustrophobic, but loves the 49ers, car shows, and Middlesworth BBQ chips. Who am I? A. Brock Welch B. Joe Skiscim C. Rusty Russell D. Joe Owens