Safety First
What is LOTO? LOTO stands for lockout/tagout, which is a safety procedure mandated by OSHA to guard individuals from unexpected energizing, the start-up of machinery/equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during servicing and maintenance that can be life threatening. Most immediately think electricity would be the only potential hazard needing to be locked out and tagged out, but other sources including thermal, chemical, hydraulic, pneumatic, gravity and mechanical energy can easily become hazardous as well. According to recent studies, laborers using LOTO procedures prevents an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries each year in the workforce. This is why here at Spectrum we have multiple LOTO Kits available to our employees, as they are required by company and OSHA policies, to never work on any machinery or equipment having hazardous energy risks without it being locked out and tagged out by themselves.